Fixes For The Book:
It Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard
(after reformatting)
Aggression, 6,10 Headstall, 22,51
Agitated, 6,28,55 Hock, 24
Anger, 7 Impatient, 7
Betadine Water, 13 Independent Seat, 46,48
Biting, 9,10,31 Language, 5,6,8,26
Blowing, 9 Listen, 8,44,49,59,61,70,77,79,92
Body Language, 6,8,26,30,36, Long Cotton Lines, 24
70,76-79 Long Lines, 21,37,70,71,72
Bridle, 24,37,38,44,69,89 Love, 6,18,19
Butt Rope, 23 Mud Fever, 16
Cantle, 40 Pain, 7,72,75
Canter, 6,37,41,52,75 Pinning, 8,81,86
Cinch, 9,10,74,86 Poll, 24,40
Communication, 4,7,17,25,26, Pommel, 38
41,55,69,70,90,91 Rail, 24,25,28,40,71,73,74
Drops His Head, 28,30 Rein Cues, 24
Facial Expressions, 6 Relaxes, 7,8,35
Flex At The Poll, 24,40 Roll Backs, 6,41
Flicks An Ear, 28,30 Round Pen, 24,28,30,33,37,39,
Foaling, 12 41,42,60,70
Free Lunge, 28 S-Hackamore, 48
Frightened, 7,11,17,26,65 Side Pass, 6,41,44
Geld, 12,14 Side Pull, 21,24,32,37
Girth, 9,39 Stirrups, 21,22,37
Give To The Pressure, 23,50 Stressor, 14,17,22
Ground Driving, 21,24,37 Surcingle, 21,24,37,71
Hackney, 20 Trainer, 10,11,47,56,59,86
Halter, 12,18,19,89 Training, 5,8,14,16,17,18,21
Handled Roughly,18 23,30,32,33,43,56,61,67,85,88
Happy, 7 Through Example, 16
Hard Broke, 26,27 Trot, 6,32,37,4143,46,52,71,75
Harness, 9,10 Walk, 6,9,18,23,24,25
Withers 38,74